Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21

maxed out the pt test...pretty easy.
next up, hopefully, an interview is next.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20

So, not a whole lot of changing since last post. Tomorrow is the physical part of the LMPD. I think that Anna could pass it. I have a chart on their requirements and what I was capable of a few months ago. Keep in mind that I have continued to work out since benning.

LMPD Benning
18 sit-ups 60 sit-ups
22 push-ups 80 push-ups
bench 50% body 230 lbs(i weigh 142)
run 1.5 in 17min ran 2 in 13min

The issue that they have with this part of the test is the paperwork required. If there is an issue they send you home and you are done. Should be fun.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13

This morning, like all of the others...up at 7:30, rolling over until 7:35 reminder on my phone. This morning I did "Arnold presses" as the beginning of my workout. Yikes. No wonder he was a stud. Lat raises, Lat pull downs, couple of back exercises. Topped off with a crazy cross fit moment. 10 push ups, 25 ft sprint and back, 10 sit ups, 50 ft sprint and back, 10 push ups, 75 ft sprint and back, 10 sit ups, 100 ft sprint and back, 20 mountain climbers. Rest 1min; then go again. 5 times total. Really wanted to throw up; but was too wasted. Protein load plus a chicken bacon ranch wrap...the wrap was a spinach tortilla. Went to my unit and got squared away with OCS prep and then to get a physical; which was interesting. Then turned in my paperwork for subbing. So far all goals met this week...I think.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11

Today has started well; got up at 7:30, got the kiddos off to school and hit the gym. Today was arms. 110-1.5 times. I worked my way up to that weight, by the way. Today was barbell curls, tricep extensions, isolated curls, overhead tricep rows, preacher curls, dips, and hammers. Killed them today. I did find out that if you drink 20oz of a pineapple based juice really fast it comes right back out really fast...

Anyway, hit my protein load; 110g and will soon be filling out paper work for subbing...the list is getting hit.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I have several goals for the week; which is probably why I am writing it down somewhere. That way other people can ask and challenge me on what I am doing with my time. I will be: working out: weight-142, arms-14 1/4, chest-39 3/4
adding protein; bench(230); curls(100)

subbing: set up bullitt sub stuff

testing: LMPD...pull over!
testing tuesday morning

securing: finish security clearance paperwork

Other challenges include: Sojourn, Family Services, AG, Chicago prep, PreQual gear

january 10

today is day 1 of blogging. never done it before, so my virgin attempts will hopefully turn into me being a professional...